Myths and Facts

Myth 1:Homoeopathy is a placebo

Fact: Many scientific clinical trials have proved that homoeopathic medicines are far above the placebo effect. The curative effect of homoeopathic medicine has been observed in millions of cases with wonderful results, so saying that homoeopathy is a placebo is irrational.

Myth 2: Homoeopathy gives same white medicines for all diseases

Fact: What seems so is not true. The white pills which you are dispensed from a homoeopath are only neutral vehicles or carriers of actual medicines that is sprinkled on them. When the actual drug is poured on these white pills they get coated with the curative power of the drug. Different drugs are usually poured in various differing potencies as to best suit different patients. There are about 3000 medicines and 10 variable potencies (powers of medicines) of each medicine so minimum 30,000 various permutation and combinations are utilized.

Myth 3: Homoeopathy is slow to act

Fact: Not really. Homoeopathic medicines act rapidly and the effect lasts much longer rather its permanent, as disease is removed from roots. The time taken for the cure depends on the chronicity of the disease.

Myth 4: Homoeopathic medicines haves steroids

Fact: It is a myth that homoeopathy is slow to act, and when people see excellent and quick results in acute and chronic cases, they feel that homoeopathic medicines contain steroids. But it is not true, homoeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances and are sweet. Steroids taste bitter and so THERE ARE NO STEROIDS in homoeopathic medicines.

Myth 5: Homoeopathy is not a Medicine of emergency

Fact: Homoeopathy has wonderful remedies to give quick relief in acute conditions like fever, cold and cough, pneumonia, diarrhoea, migraine, injuries etc.

Myth 6: Homoeopathic medicines cannot beat antibiotics

Fact: It is a wrong notion, over years it is observed that the cases of infections have great results with homoeopathic medicine and no antibiotics are needed. And patients do not develop any side effects or complications at all.

Myth 7: There are lots of food restrictions with homoeopathic medicines

Fact: Homoeopathic medicines are absorbed from the tongue and the inner lining of the mouth hence patients are asked not to eat or drink anything for 15 minutes before and after taking the medicine. Also, one has to avoid onions, garlic, coffee and mint as they may antidote the medicine. These are few of the restrictions.

Myth 8: Homoeopathy cannot be taken along with other medications

Fact: Homoeopathic medicines can be taken along with other medications without any side effects and complications. Homoeopathic medicines also help in reducing the side effects of the conventional therapy like in case of cancer. Homoeopathic medicine will help in alleviating the side effects of chemotherapy and radiations and boosts the resistance.

Myth 9: Homoeopathy cannot help in certain cases like for warts, piles etc. here only surgery helps

Fact: Cases like piles, warts and kidney stones do not require surgery; they can be effectively treated with homoeopathic medicines. It is observed that after surgery these conditions may reappear, but with homoeopathic treatment such recurring tendencies can be aborted.

Myth 10: Diabetic patients cannot take homoeopathic medicines as they are sweet

Fact: Diabetics can take homoeopathic medicines without any fear of increasing the blood sugar levels as homoeopathic medicines are composed of lactose and not glucose which is harmful for diabetes. And still if the patient disagrees to this, homoeopathic medicines can be taken in liquid form which is not sweet.

Myth 11: Homoeopathy cannot help in certain diseases like diabetes, hypertension, cancer etc.

Fact: It is not true. Homoeopathy is effective equally in all disease conditions from common cold to cancer. Rather homoeopathy is effective and alleviates the pain even in last stages of cancer where the strongest of painkillers fail to help.